Minggu, 06 Agustus 2017

Article Writing And Speaking - 9 Tips To Attract New Clients By Leveraging Your Writing and Speaking

If you are writing to become better known both online and off, you should be leveraging everything that you write or say. Leveraging, an easily learned skill, involves using everything that you write and speak and turning it into a variety of information products that can be sold or given away to potential clients.

Here are 9 tips to leveraging your writing and speaking to attract new clients:

    Start a Blog that deals with your specific niche market. Keep your postings to under 300 words and try to post at least three times each week.
    After you write a post, expand upon the information and ideas and turn it into an article. Be sure you are including your top keywords in the title and in the body of your writing. Submit your articles to several article directories.
    Combine several of these articles you have written on a specific topic within your niche and turn them into a Special Report. These reports are generally from eight to twenty pages and are filled with good, useful content. Convert them into PDF format for ease of distribution to others.
    Use other articles for e-booklets, tips booklets, and printable booklets. These will become your brochure and will enable you to be seen as an expert in your field. Always write on the topic that is your specialized area of expertise within your niche.
    Combine even more articles and other writing and publish an e-book. This should be eighty pages or longer, but do not exceed about one hundred fifty pages. People like to print their e=books out, and anything longer than that becomes unwieldy. If clients have been reading your articles and e-booklets they should be ready to purchase your e-book. By this time potential clients will see that you have knowledge they want to tap into and be willing to pay for that knowledge.
    Hold a free teleseminar. There are several companies that offer the bridge line for only the cost of the long distance call. Use one of your articles or an excerpt from your e-book to make an outline for the content of your call. Before you finish the teleseminar invite listeners to go to your website and purchase your e-book, sign up for more information, or email you with further questions.
    Offer an e-course to those who are willing to opt in to your database. The e-course can consist of five to seven emails sent out at specified intervals. This course should be directly tied to your area of expertise. At the end of the e-course offer your readers more information in the way of e-books, more teleconferences, or mentoring.
    Turn your teleconferences into CD's and mp3's that your readers can purchase. Also, have the teleconferences transcribed and offer the transcription to clients who would rather read the information you are giving.
    Look back at what you have done and repeat the process. See what your clients liked best about what you gave them Ask them what information they would still like to get from you and in what format they would prefer it to be delivered. Your readers and listeners will let you know what you should do next. Listen to them!

You will find that you can take one or two articles and build your business with that as a foundation. Some people like to come to live teleconferences while others prefer to wait for the replay and listen to it on their computer or mp3 player. Still others will want to have a CD to listen to in their car. Some people will want to read your information on their computer and others will want to print it out and put it into a notebook. Give people the option of getting the information you want to deliver in the format that is most convenient to them. If you start with a Blog and move into e-books and teleconferences you will build your database and your business in a very short time. This is all due to the concept of leveraging your writing and speaking.

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